Dr. Kristen got a lot of emails one week and decided to share some thoughts on the value of authentic communication:
We all get In Mail messages that seem out of left field – or am I the only one?
The FASTEST way to get me to delete your message without responding is to call me a coach or consultant. Those words appear no where on our profile, but it seems to be an assumption a lot of blast messages make.
I use the words educator, enthusiast, author, and trainer intentionally. While we can consult on matters of culture and have in the past, our version of consulting is a relationship that lasts at least one year and we basically become temporary employees.
For what it’s worth, I am a terrible coach. Ask anyone I’ve given unsolicited advice to. YIKES. Not my calling.
Fastest way to get me to respond? Ask me a genuine question about something on my profile, like why do I use the word “enthusiast.”
Do you have an automatic phrase or word that makes you know the messenger hasn’t actually looked at your profile?

(For the record, coaches and consultants are fabulous, Erin and I simply aren’t. Also, photo is me circa 2018. Different hair, same glasses.)