We’ve got an Amazon pre-order link!
If you want to pre-order your Kindle version of #TheCultureofBurnout, now you can!
Peep the pre-order link here: https://abbeyresearch.biz/bookpreorder
Learn more about the book here: https://abbeyresearch.biz/burnoutbook
What are people saying about the book?
“Drs. Kristen and Erin have traversed the roads to burnout and returned (not totally unscathed) to share their journey on how to human better. Thoughtful and hopeful, the Good Doctors offer their wealth of experience and understanding for us to cultivate a culture of balance. It’s worth your read.”
Carol M.Pate, Ed.D., FCPP
Educator, Writer, Creator
“The Culture of Burnout is the first book that truly looks deep into the heart of burnout and isn’t afraid to call it what it is – a societal issue that we’re going to have to face by shifting our collective relationship with work, success, and – each other.”
Cait Donovan, host FRIED the Burnout Podcast
We can’t wait to share the book with y’all! Stay tuned for more updates!